Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Security Council UN censure pilot rudal North Korea

New York, the UN Security Council censure pilot rudal and North Korea as a violation of Security Council resolutions and the threat to world security. So the news made the AFP, Tuesday (7 / 6). Security Council warns Pyongyang that comply with the obligations and resolution of the Council. To prevent more bad things that the Security Council to request all parties refrain.
Statement of the UN are beginning to debate between the member countries. Some want to Pyongyang again pressed, some of the others emphasize the importance of diplomacy to find the right solutions. Action so that the pilot did not rudal with excessive action.
North Korea previously made have been doing a series of trials rudal short distance back to make the Korean Peninsula situation heat. Month of May in North Korea also conducted nuclear testing that culminate in the UN Security Council of sanctions. (AND)
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